ACTORS HEADSHOTS {Actors Headshot Photography in Nottingham}

~Actors Headshots Nottingham~

The Actor’s headshot is probably the single most important thing you will need to get you into the right casting. As a trained actor, I know the importance of a good headshot. I started taking actor’s headshots many years ago whilst I was still living in London and working as a jobbing actress. In recent years my wedding photography business has overtaken the acting career, but I still enjoy meeting actors and taking headshot photos.

The most important thing in taking a good headshot is feeling relaxed and looking like you at your absolute best. The magic comes when the actor makes a connection with the camera. In fact, the magic happens when the actor stops acting! 😉 Your headshot must make an absolute connection. I won’t stop taking photos until I get that connection. I love taking headshots. If you want to arrange an appointment, please get in touch. I charge £150 – This includes your own password protected gallery from the shoot, and the opportunity for you to select 6 that I can edit and retouch for Spotlight. I provide all 6 photos in colour and black and white and do any necessary retouching.

Nottingham Headshots

Nottingham based Actors headshot Photographer



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